Recognition is great, but let’s talk about the Heart of Farming

Talking about myself has never been my thing—I much prefer to shine the spotlight on the crops we nurture or the community efforts that make a real difference. But receiving this honor from the University of Arkansas Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences has nudged me to step out of my comfort zone for a moment. It's important to share not just for my own story, but to highlight what this recognition represents: a lifetime of learning from the land, the dedication of my family, and the collective strength of a community that stands together through thick and thin. This accolade is bigger than me; it's about all of us in the agricultural world, working tirelessly to feed our communities and protect our planet. So, here I am, sharing a bit of my journey, in the hopes of inspiring others to join us in this vital and fulfilling work.

“This accolade is bigger than me; it's about all of us in the agricultural world, working tirelessly to feed our communities and protect our planet.”

Being recognized as the 2023-24 Outstanding Alumna by the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences at the University of Arkansas really hit home for me. It's not just about getting a pat on the back; it's about all the people who've been there for me along the way.

This is a reminder of how tight-knit and supportive the farming community is. We're all in this together, working the land, facing challenges head-on, and always trying to do better.

My own journey from running a family farm to being involved in big agricultural organizations has been full of learning and growing. Whether it's growing rice, soybeans, or being involved in shaping agricultural policy, it's all been about making a positive impact on the land and the farming community.

All the roles I've taken on, from winning Farmer of the Year to sitting on the board of Riceland Foods, are about more than just personal success. They're about making farming sustainable, pushing for innovation, and making sure farmers have a say in the big issues.

My work with groups like USA Rice and the Arkansas Rice Farmers Board is all about bringing people together to tackle big challenges. Turning a small task force into a major committee has been one way to make sure farmers' voices are heard loud and clear.

Now, as I get ready to spend some time with students back at the University of Arkansas, I'm thinking about how much I've learned from others and how I want to pass that on. The support of my family - especially my husband, the guidance of my teachers, and the hard work of so many in the agricultural world have all helped me get here. I hope I can inspire the next bunch of students to take on the challenges of farming with the same passion and dedication.

So, a huge thank you to the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences and everyone who's been part of my journey. This honor really belongs to all of us who are committed to keeping farming moving forward, making sure we're taking care of the land, and building a strong community together.

Link to article here


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