What’s for Supper?

One of our favorite easy week night dinners is pan sautéed salmon with a balsamic sauce. Of course we eat it over rice with either a veggie or green salad on the side. Super easy and also an impressive dinner to serve for company. 

We do not have many choices when it comes to grocery shopping. Frozen fish is usually the only choice we have in our store. But we can find fresh salmon and of course southern raised catfish. I’ll save the catfish recipes for those cooks who can batter and fry it up just right. Crispy on the outside and hot and flaky inside. 

I start with a good cast iron skillet with a big pat of butter and about a tablespoon or two of olive oil. Cut salmon plank into portion sizes you like. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and lay skin side up in the hot pan. I let the flesh side of the fish cook until there is a thin brown crust on the fish. Turn each piece over skin side down and finish cooking. Don’t overcook or the fish will be dry. The salmon is perfectly fantastic just like this but the sauce adds a little flair!

Mix all the sauce ingredients into a small sauce pan. Place on the stovetop over medium high heat and stir constantly with a whisk. The sauce will begin to boil so keep stirring! Not much longer after the boil it will thicken up. Keep stirring and allow to thicken to your liking. 

Place fish over a steaming spoonful or two of white or brown US grown rice. Spoon sauce over and enjoy! We like a little soy sauce on the rice as well. Here is the recipe for the sauce.

½ cup Brown sugar

1 tablespoon Cornstarch

¼ cup Balsamic Vinegar

½ cup Water

2 tablespoons Soy sauce

Mix together the ingredients for the glaze in a small saucepan: brown sugar, cornstarch, balsamic vinegar, water, soy sauce. Heat over medium and stir until mixture thickens, about 4 minutes.

Hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think.



New Year’s Day Sunday


Harvest: Excitement is in the Air